Marketing to acquire new customers can be a challenging task for any business. You have to know who your target audience is, what makes them tick and how your products or services can make a difference in their lives. Yet, when you add multiple generations into the mix of your marketing strategy, this can be a huge undertaking. A mass appeal to different ages requires careful planning, the right resources and a thorough understanding of each group.
Before diving into multigenerational marketing head-on, you will need a powerful strategy to ensure you are keeping all generations within reach. From baby boomers to Gen Z, here is how you can deepen your market penetration and broaden your customer base.
Defining Multigenerational Marketing
You likely already know that marketing requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach. Even if you are only selling one offer, you must adjust your content and advertising to attract different audiences through multigenerational marketing.
Multigenerational marketing is defined as the practice of communicating and promoting products or services to multiple age groups simultaneously. This marketing approach uses segmentation to include each demographic by acknowledging their unique needs, values and experiences.
Many businesses implement multigenerational marketing because it allows them to interact with a wider audience, cultivate more relationships and gain valuable insights. Additionally, it promotes inclusivity and diversity, which is helpful in enhancing brand appeal across each age group. When done right, your marketing team can set your business apart from the competition and create more opportunities for high conversions.
Who Is Each Generation?
To implement multigenerational marketing successfully, you must understand each demographic so you can devise a personalized marketing strategy to increase reach. Here is an overview of what the different generations are like:
Baby Boomers
The boomer generation was born between 1946-1964, making up 20.58% of the U.S. population. Baby boomers are the generation that grew up during the era of the white picket fence and significant technological advancements. They are often described as hardworking, resourceful and conservative.
When it comes to their consumer behavior, boomers value quality and are brand loyal. They are not as digitally native as their younger counterparts, which means traditional marketing methods work best. They prefer face-to-face communication, sales pitches and testimonials. Direct mail campaigns and videos with captions also work well for this audience.
Despite their slow adoption of technology, they still use the internet and shop online. They appreciate more detailed information, so clear and concise copy is key. This generation also has significant spending power but does not make decisions lightly, so building trust will also be worth your time.
Gen X
Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980, is often considered the “middle child” between baby boomers and millennials. This generation is autonomous and self-sufficient, having grown up in an era of two-income families.
Gen Xers are tech-savvy and adaptable, bridging the gap between digital and traditional media. They tend to be skeptical consumers who take time to research and read reviews before making a purchase decision. Additionally, Gen X appreciates email for communication and is more receptive to a high frequency of newsletters. Therefore, sending many emails over a period of time is fine for them.
They prefer transparency and straightforward marketing messages, but also enjoy personalized offers that cater to their interests. Values like stability and security are key to gaining their trust.
Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. This is a group that stands out from their predecessors because they have a unique set of characteristics. Millennials are highly diverse, tech-savvy and socially conscious.
They always feel the need to be constantly connected to social media and the internet, making them highly comfortable with technology and digital communication. However, that does not mean they like brands bombarding them with messages. Instead, they prefer slow and steady.
Additionally, millennials are driven by experiences and are constantly looking for ways to engage with others and share content on social media. They desire personalization and social impact, so they are more likely to support brands that share these same values.
Their purchase decisions often extend beyond the product itself, considering the brand’s reputation and ethical standards. Therefore, engaging with millennials means recognizing these attributes and what they believe in the most.
Gen Z
Generation Z, born from the mid-1990s to the early 2010s, makes up 40% of consumers in the U.S. This is a tech-savvy generation. Growing up in a digital era, Gen Zers are largely influenced by their continuous online presence. They are often guided by trends spotted on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, and they have shorter attention spans than any other generation.
However, Gen Z places high importance on authenticity, social causes and inclusivity, making them likely to patronize brands that reflect these values. This generation also values speed and convenience, making them more likely to shop for products or services with one-click purchasing on their mobile devices.
They are quick to dislike messaging or advertising that disrupts their online experience and have a tight-knit relationship with technology that shapes their purchasing habits.
Tactics for Marketing to Each Generation
Here are some of the best marketing tactics for each generation:
- Baby boomers: Prioritize traditional media channels like TV, radio and print, along with Facebook. Focus on providing specific details about your offerings and prioritize excellent customer service. Emphasize quality and cater to their price-conscious side.
- Gen X: Utilize a mix of digital and traditional marketing channels. Adopt straightforward, honest marketing messages to appeal to their skeptical nature. Highlight the practicality and value-for-money aspects of the product.
- Millennials: Leverage digital and social media platforms. Showcase social responsibility and ethical business practices. Provide personalized experiences and engage in two-way communication.
- Gen Z: Prioritize mobile-friendly, quick and highly visual content. Avoid using “Gen Z” language and showcase authenticity instead. Utilize influencers and peer reviews, as Gen Z values opinions from people they trust.
Multigenerational Marketing for Success
Multigenerational marketing can be an effective way to reach a wide audience across various age demographics. However, it takes hard work and thorough research to understand each of their characteristics and what they value most.
Be sure to tailor your messaging to each generation. Personalization goes a long way in maintaining relevance, increasing engagement and building long-standing relationships.