Medical supply has a consistent, growing demand in the market, so it takes great design and clever tactics to get ahead of the competition. We were happy to provide design services for BFW’s trade show print materials and booth design. We were also happy to help with creating a sales app and sales battle cards to help the BFW marketing team be at the top of their game when pitching sales in the medical field.
Digital Marketing Case Study: BFW Inc. , Medical Equipment Supplier Website Design
We were excited to work with BFW Inc. on this project. They needed digital marketing services, brochure design, sales battlecard design, marketing data fliers, tradeshow booth backdrop design, sales app design and general marketing consultation. Our team collaborated with them on their goals and enjoyed going above and beyond expectations on this project.
Case Study Goals:
In our initial discovery meeting with BFW Inc. we determined that the primary goals for this project included: saving money, getting fast, responsive customer service, and to complete this project within the limits of a set deadline and budget.
Case Study Process and Highlights:
We help BFW attract more customers with a high converting and responsive medical device web app. We also supplied print marketing and trade show designs. After the project was completed, they immediately notice the benefits of a well designed visual communication campaigns and custom graphic design had effectively transformed the project. During our final review, we found that this project continues to meet and exceed the client's needs, and we are proud to call it a successful collaboration. We like to consider ourselves a valuable partner to BFW Inc. , working together on this project to meet all of thier objectives, aligning goals and finding unique solutions to their challenges.
Case Study Results:
We are happy to report this successful project resulted in not only a happy client but also verifiably meeting all the project goals, including these points of accomplishment: were pleased with our fast, responsive customer service, expanded to new markets, reached more clients, integrated seamlessly with multiple business tools and API, optimize their purchase of marketing technology and get the most out of these investments, allocated ad spend more efficiently and enjoyed our unique personal touch and custom sales process. These were precisely the results BFW Inc. was looking for, and we are committed to remaining a trusted digital partner in support of BFW Inc. 's objectives.

Medical Industry Print Marketing Designs