Small businesses are always in the race to stay competitive without losing what makes their business unique. As entities, small businesses form the foundation of our local economies and are important to the health of the macroeconomy overall. AI, in many respects, may seem like the opposite technology, seeking only to revolutionize and mass produce. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
AI technologies are beginning to be integrated into businesses at all ends of the spectrum as people start to realize the effect that AI can have on any task. What’s more, AI has already proven itself to be an invaluable asset in the finance, transportation, and manufacturing industries by intelligently controlling operations to ensure optimal efficiency without any unnecessary costs or bloating.
Why AI matters to marketers
Artificial intelligence is an amazing technology that refers to a wide array of software protocols, tools, and plugins. Machine learning allows the software to act outside of its explicit programming.
That is, if a program says, collect this data from incoming emails and sort it by sentiment, the program will first collect data with the groups already assigned. As it is fed with training sets, it begins to recognize patterns not explicitly written in the source code.
How can AI help your business? Well, there are myriad ways automation can be leveraged to positively affect your business growth, your team’s efficiency, and your organization’s productivity.
AI email assistants
While you may think AI is a costly technology, there are several tiers of automation. They range from free apps like eCommerce CRM apps to incredibly expensive investments like Blackrock’s state-of-the-art stock predictor Aladdin.
One very notable automation app that can be added to your organization at an affordable price: email automation. Email assistants can help interact with customers, set meetings, and confirm calendar events, reducing the load on executive assistants and independent business owners alike. In addition, email marketing automation can be a great way to handle content creation and project management tasks in a largely hands-off fashion.
Automated social media marketing
Social media marketing, just like email marketing, is an important marketing activity that can increase all sorts of marketing metrics for your organization.
AI developers can create bits that interact with customers, apps that automate your content production, and artificial intelligence developers can even create apps that automatically optimize advertising content across social media platforms.
Consumer behavior analytics
Market research helps supplement every marketing activity. Automating email and social media marketing won’t help much if you aren’t working on your brand and your message. This means you need to know your customer. But market research only goes so far.
With customer relationship management platforms, business owners can collect, track, and predict consumer behavior, alleviating a great deal of the pain of creating an effective marketing plan.
AI is capable of applying the same principles to small businesses as well through AI-controlled systems. However, the incredible amount of AI technologies on the market today can be somewhat overwhelming and businesses that are not tech-savvy will most likely fail to glean any significant benefits from purchasing AI technologies.
This is where AI developers can come in and help a business utilize their technology in a logical way that doesn’t waste time or money. Whether hiring freelance or traditional, enlisting the services of an AI developer will undoubtedly change the game for your business.
They do this by assessing the needs of the business and cross-referencing it with the available AI technologies to create an AI project draft. These AI systems can range from automatically controlling the database to set up completely automated marketing campaigns. Small businesses do not typically have the resources to fill every position with one singular employee but with AI, these positions can be automated to assist the current workforce.
However, compared to default technologies that come standard and out of the box, AI developed technologies that are tailor-made are vastly superior as they work to improve the specific needs of the business.