6 Advanced SEO Tips & Tricks to Boost Website Traffic

What Is SEO and Why Is It Important?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process by which webmasters make their websites appear higher up on the SERPs to drive more traffic.

SEO is important in the current era due to the immense marketing potential of websites. Businesses and service providers alike have websites through which they try to increase their exposure. SEO is crucial to these parties since they have to make their website as popular as possible.

Normal methods of marketing are still viable, but online marketing is more or less essential nowadays. Hence SEO, by extension, can be considered indispensable as well.

Now that you know why SEO is important, let us take a look at some tips that can help you improve your site’s SEO.

6 SEO Tips and Tricks to Boost Website Traffic

SEO tips are always changing because search engines do not stick with the same algorithm for too long. The algorithms for ranking sites get updated every now and then. This makes it almost impossible to know what kind of SEO you need to do to rank high.

Google alone rolls out 500 to 600 updates annually.

However, some methods always show results and we are going to be going over some of them in order.

  1. Have a Good UI/UX for Your Website

UI/UX stands for “User Interface and User Experience”. You need to have a website that is easy and intuitive to use. People who visit your website must have a good user experience.

Too often it happens that users get confused when visiting a new site and they leave instead of exploring it further. This increases the ‘bounce rate’ of the site.

‘Bounces’ can also happen if a site is too slow to load. So, you will need to make sure that it loads very fast. This counts towards “User experience”.

If a site’s bounce rate is too high, search engines will think that it does not contain the content relevant to its target keyword. Subsequently, they will rank the website lower in the SERPs.

A well-designed website will decrease the bounce rate, thereby contributing to SEO.

  1. Target a Specific Niche

Your website should have a clear direction. It should not be a website that contains a random blend of different topics.

You need to have only one type of content on your site. For example, if you are a programmer, you will probably make a site that has tips for budding program, or posts about some new trick that you have found to utilize certain functions or libraries.

There is a catch, though. Programming is a huge field, and there are tons of programming languages out there with lots of frameworks and libraries. You cannot possibly target all of them.

Your site will need to be only about the specific language you are an expert in, and the various libraries and frameworks for it that you are skilled at.

By keeping things tight like this, search engines get a clear message what topic a particular site is about.

This helps them rank you higher for the correct keywords.

  1. Feature Quality Content

A website needs to have some good content on it. Content plays a major role in SEO.

Search engines check if websites are producing a steady stream of new and unduplicated content. If they are, their ranking in the SERPs increase (provided the content is relevant and of good quality).

If the content is found to be duplicated or written poorly, the ranking in the SERPs falls. Plagiarism in particular is very detrimental to SEO.

Search engines typically punish websites that have duplicated content by lowering their ranking or removing them from the listing altogether.

You can detect plagiarism in your content by using a free plagiarism checker. There are a lot of such tools available that can help you optimize your content.

  1. Meta Description and Page Titles

Your page title is the first thing that people will see when they find you on the search results page. That’s why it needs to be impactful and attention-grabbing.

Meta data i.e., Meta tags and Meta descriptions help to define the relevancy of your website to the search engine crawlers.

Adding a Meta description also helps people see what your site is offering while they are on the search results page.

This can attract people who are looking for what you offer. The Meta description gives a small but concise explanation of what the page is offering.

You have to make sure to use your target keyword in the Meta description. Another tip is to make the Meta description unique for each page. Remember to keep the Meta description under 160 characters.

  1. Make High-Quality Backlinks

For good SEO, you must have a good number of high-quality backlinks. This number is an important ranking factor that search engines consider when assigning a rank to a website.

To generate good backlinks, you need to reach out to other bloggers in your niche and ask them for collaboration or ask them to allow you to guest post.

You also need to go to various forums that are related to your niche and participate in questioning and answering.

This will put your name out in the open. Giving good answers can be an opportunity to link your site (as a reference for more detailed answers).

Once people start noticing you, they will be more inclined to link your articles on their sites, or in comment sections in response to other people.

One thing you need to take care of is to only reach out to sites that have high authority. Backlinks from high authority sites are more valuable and pass on more ‘link juice’…as the community likes to call it.

  1. Target Proper Keywords

Keywords are the life and soul of SEO. Targeting the correct keywords is essential. If your site is showing up for the wrong keywords, it will drastically increase the bounce rate.

That is because people are not looking for your site in the first place. After all, it is showing up for the wrong keywords.

Keywords can range from general to specific, and the more general they are the more volume they have. Conversely, they have a less specific search intent.

Targeting specific keywords might sound scary, as you are intentionally reducing traffic. However, targeting specific keywords helps the search engines realize the purpose of your website very clearly.

This will make the search engines place your site closer to the top whenever they detect the same intent from a search.


These were some tips for the SEO of your website. These tips will help you rank higher in the SERPs and make your website stand out from the competition. In 2022, optimizing websites for both humans and crawlers is very lucrative.

When a human has a good experience on your website, they may link it on other platforms and help you generate more organic traffic.

On the other hand, when bots/crawlers are easily able to discern what your site is about, it helps them index it correctly and match it to the correct search intent. This makes them rank your site higher in the SERPs.

With these tips, you will be well on your way to making your website rank high in the SERPs.

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