We helped develop a new website as well as create a new logo, videography, photography, and a complete distillery campaign consisting of great graphics, messaging, blog content, landing pages, and social assets. Kentucky Artisan Distillery is one of the few distilleries that produce bourbon and spirits literally from the roots to the bottle, all by hand. They are our neighbor here in Crestwood and Oldham County’s first distillery since Prohibition.
About the Distillery:
In 2012 three men came together with a unique idea. Ultimately, Kentucky Artisan Distillery was born. Several years later, the distillery is producing thousands of barrels a year and is serving as the home to the third-largest super premium bourbon in the world. From farm to bottle, Kentucky Artisan Distillery mashes roughly 75 bushels of grain each day from the 700 acres of our neighboring partner, Waldeck Farm. Over 35 barrels a week of Kentucky spirits are produced from grains grown and malted right here in Crestwood, Kentucky.
Distillery Website Features:
- Brand Gallery
- Distillery Gift Shop
- Bourbon Shop
- Tour Booking
- Distillery Blog and News
- Distillery Event Promotions
- Farm to Bottle Infographics
- Wayfinding Maps and Navigation