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Downtown Louisville at Night with bright lightsUSA spelled out on the Great Lawn over Louisville Waterfront ParkThe Bridges over the Ohio River between Louisville and Jeffersonville Breeway and Jefferson Square park, across from Louisville Metro Hall showing Memorial items from above4th Street Plaza2nd Street Bridge over the Ohio River2nd Street Bridge with red and blue lightsDowntown Louisville city on a cloudy dayKFC Yum! Center during the eveningBetween the bridges in Louisville, KentuckyLouisville Waterfront with steamboats on the wharfKFC Yum! Center and East Downtown Louisville at duskKFC Yum! Center roof overlooking the highway and hotelsHumana at noonLYNN Family Stadium from aboveBridges and highways in downtown LouisvilleKFC Yum! CenterDowntown Louisville at the Ohio RiverFlowers blooming at Waterfront ParkLouisville Waterfront Park in the springBig Four Bridge and the 2nd Street bridge, reflecting on the Ohio RiverBig Four Bridge with green lightsLYNN Family Stadium with green lightsThe Humana building and hotels in Downtown LouisvilleLouisville. City on the riverSunset pink sky over Louisville, Kentucky4th street Live lights and glass atrium in Downtown Louisville at night Big 4 Bridge in Jeffersonville, IndianaLouisville lights reflecting off the bridges on the Ohio RiverBig Four bridge in blue with Louisville, Kentucky SkylineLouisville, Kentucky Waterfront Park Hot Air Balloon from aboveLouisville, Kentucky Waterfront Park Hot Air Balloon from belowSkyline of Louisville, Kentucky Skyline and waterfront of Louisville, Kentucky Hot Air Balloon race over the Ohio River in KentuckyCrab shack on the wharf in Louisville, Kentucky The golden 2nd street bridge between Louisville, KY, and Jeffersonville, IN Concrete piles under the Highways in Downtown LouisvilleConcrete piles under the Highways in Waterfront Park, Downtown Louisville“Spaghetti” highways in west Downtown LouisvilleFestival event on waterfront park in Downtown Louisville Highways over the parks systems in Downtown Louisville The world’s largest Baseball Bat Letters printed at the top of the world’s largest batMain Street in Louisville, Kentucky The Big Four Bride in Louisville Kentucky West Main street Louisville Kentucky Armstrong Skate park in Louisville, Kentucky Ohio River Galt House and bridgesOhio RiverLouisville Skyline on the Ohio RiverLouisville Skyline on the Ohio RiverJeffersonville, Indiana park at Big Four Bridge Louisville Skyline on the Ohio RiverSlugger Baseball Field Louisville KentuckyThe locks from above in Louisville, Kentucky Snowy Waterfront park in Louisville, KentuckySnowy Waterfront park and highways in Louisville, KentuckySnowy Waterfront park and highways in Louisville, KentuckySnowy Waterfront park in Louisville, KentuckySnowy Waterfront park in Louisville KentuckySnowy Waterfront park in Louisville, KentuckySnowy Waterfront park in Louisville, KentuckyThe paddle boat on the Ohio in KentuckyThe steamboat of Louisville on the Ohio in KentuckyThe Belle of Louisville on the Ohio in KentuckyThe Belle of Louisville on the Ohio in KentuckyThe Belle of Louisville on the Ohio in KentuckyThe Belle of Louisville on the Ohio in KentuckyBig Four Bridge with red lights in Louisville, KentuckyBig Four Bridge curve in Louisville, Kentucky Waterfront Park2nd Street Bridge at sunset in Louisville Kentucky Rusting bridge in Louisville, Kentucky The top of the 400 West Market tower, or Aegon CenterBroadway in Louisville, Kentucky St. Josephs Catholic Church with 2 spires in Downtown Louisville, Kentucky Highways and city lights at night in Louisville, KentuckyHighways and city lights at night in Louisville, KentuckyHometown Heroes Colonel Sanders banner in Louisville, Kentucky Ships on the wharf in Downtown Louisville, Kentucky