Converting mobile site visitors into customers requires careful planning, testing and development. The user experience (UX) can make or break your sales. Even if your desktop website is successful, you can still fail on the mobile front. Follow these high-converting mobile payment page UX tips to ensure your smartphone visitors can buy from you without missing a beat.
1. Find a Single Goal
One error many e-commerce sites make is trying to do too much on the checkout page. Once the user hits the final step of the buyer’s journey, you should have a singular objective — to complete the sale. Anything that distracts from that needs to be removed.
Cut unnecessary clutter, ensure all links work as intended and keep only the form fields needed to fulfill the order. Ask what would make checkout easier for users. Can you add payment options, for example?
2. Offer One-Click Checkout
Cornell research found around 70% of customers leave a site before paying. However, one-click buying increased consumer spending by 28.5% and encouraged shoppers to visit more frequently. Adding this option to your store can improve UX by reducing the time needed to purchase.
For example, users might click on a PayPal link and utilize already stored information rather than inputting their name, address and credit card information. They might feel more secure sharing these details with trusted third parties, like Square, PayPal, Apple or Google.
Some retailers offer their own registration with the promise of future one-click purchases. If storing information, ensure you follow best privacy practices and explain how you keep it secure. Use as few fields as possible to gather the initial data.
3. Take Security Seriously
People share their information when they trust you to secure it from hackers. As around 57% of Americans fear financial scams, it’s important to show you’re being proactive about their security. Show them you have an SSL certificate installed and share a privacy policy.
Include what data you collect, why, how you store it and the measures to keep information safe from hackers. Ask only for the information you must have to complete an order and conduct business efficiently.
4. Test for Responsiveness
Many companies design shopping carts for desktops and add mobile features as a secondary option. With so many people using their devices to access the internet, you must ensure your website functions for smartphone users.
The app server you choose can impact the responsiveness of your page. When someone pulls up the mobile app, the server processes their request, authenticates the user and grabs essential data.
Ensure your site loads fast. Mobile users often access a page when they have a few extra minutes. If your site bogs down or throws up blank pages, they’ll likely bounce away and may never return.
5. Rework Error Messages
Customers who do something unexpected might receive an error message from your site. One example would be someone needing to share their mailing address. If you set the form so it is a required field, the user gets an error message if the form field is empty.
The words you use to direct customers to complete the task correctly can make a difference in whether they fill in the required data or abandon their cart. Statista found that 17% of people abandoned their orders because a website had errors or crashed.
Make error messages succinct and descriptive so the user knows what to do next. Avoid confusion, as you’re more likely to lose a potential customer when they don’t understand the problem.
6. Offer Additional Payment Options
People have different experiences with online payment providers. If they once had an issue with a service, they’d be reluctant to use it again. Your best bet is to offer them options, such as PayPal, Stripe or manually inputting their credit card information.
Offer as many options as possible without driving yourself crazy by managing dozens of payment accounts.
Perfect Your Mobile Buyer’s Journey
More customers use handheld devices throughout all sales funnel stages. The easier it is for them to click and buy on your mobile payments page, the higher your conversion rates will be. Look at the site through the lens of a smartphone or tablet. Fix any issues that create errors or bottlenecks on your site. With some refinement, your mobile conversion rates may surpass your desktop ones.